Kale is Great For Eye Health–Here’s How to Make it Go Down Easy

Kale is Great For Eye Health–Here’s How to Make it Go Down Easy

When someone tells you to eat more kale, your eyes probably roll. But your eyes probably want you to heed that advice, since they can benefit greatly from this leafy green that everyone seems to hate.

Einkorn Wheat: Lessons in Three Recipes

Einkorn Wheat: Lessons in Three Recipes

That was enough of a cool factor for me, so I decided to make a stop at the Arva mill on a recent visit to the area to pick up some einkorn flour and, because I love a grain salad, some wheat berries too.

Go Grains Rice Cooker–Product Review

Go Grains Rice Cooker–Product Review

If you live alone or have a small family, the Go Grains rice cooker is a fantastic option.

Culinary Legacy In Action: Homemade Sauerkraut

Culinary Legacy In Action: Homemade Sauerkraut

I’ve been talking about culinary legacy recently and decided to move from musing to making by attempting something I’ve never tried before: homemade sauerkraut.  This fermented cabbage dish is not part of my direct culinary legacy, but of my husband’s. The first time I ever 

On Earth Day, Considering the Significance of Individual Actions

On Earth Day, Considering the Significance of Individual Actions

With all the negative headlines out there about the state of our climate, it is easy to get discouraged, to feel like you should give up. Don’t. Small actions can lead to something bigger.

An Ode to Baking

An Ode to Baking

Beyond providing a much needed distraction, why has baking struck a chord with so many? I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately and I’ve landed on many reasons, some pragmatic and some more rooted in feeling and emotion.