Welcome to Supperstruck!
We are living in strange times right now, with a global pandemic raging. People are justifiably worried, not only about Covid-19, but also about when this pandemic might end and what the world will look like when it does.
At first glance, it seems like a strange time to start a website about food, but working on it has been a godsend to me. I’ve been mulling over the idea for this site for months, but never had time to work out all the details or get a solid start on it. I was busy with a volunteer job as a snack program coordinator at my son’s school and a part-time job outside the house. The pandemic has put an end to both, for the time being. With lots of hours to fill and a general lack of direction that left me feeling completely inert, a new project was just what I needed. And, considering the focus of this site is easy meals, particularly those that use “found” items in your cupboards or freezer, I figured the site might be useful during the pandemic when many households have fewer varieties of food than they are used to.
What do I mean by “found” items? I’m talking about the bits and pieces that we all have stashed away and that we think very little about, like: random cans of beans; half-eaten packages of frozen chicken, meatballs, or appetizers like quiche or samosas; frozen fruits and vegetables; specialty grains or types of rice that we may have purchased for one particular recipe and have not returned to since.
In this day of pandemic panic shopping, “found” items might be more literal, as in the only things we can find on nearly empty grocery shelves.
I will update this site as often as possible, and would love to get an information exchange going about meal ideas, either in the comments here or on social media. I look forward to connecting with you here!

Frying pan image by Alexander Babich | Dreamstime.